Publication Artcom Expo International Association of Artists Special Edition 5 2024 Norway.
I am happy to announce the publishing of five pages featuring my art and art career in Collect Art Magazine, volume 56,  " Winter Issue".

Click on these links to read



Out now 
If you want to know more about my technique of water colour with embroidery, there is a double page spread showing the processes, step by step in this issue of "Pratique des Arts" no:169

To order your copy click on this link


Médaille de Vermeil. ARTS SCIENCE LETTRES, Paris
I have just been informed by the,
 "Societié Académique ARTS SCIENCE  LETTRES" Paris, that I will be awarded the,
 " Diplôme médaille de Vermeil" from the,
"Commission Supérieur des recompenses",
in recognition of my 32 years art career.
The award ceremony takes place in a prestigious hotel in Paris on 16th October 2022.
I am officially elected as an ambassador  ASL Paris, representing UK based artists. 2023
I am so happy to have been selected from 556 entries from 20 different countries world wide and to receive this certificate.
I am so honoured and happy to have been selected as one of the artist's of ArtExpo gallery , to be awarded the trophy "Artist of the year 2022". There will be a live video presentation of the award ceremony and online exhibition of artwork on 25th June, live in the Congress room at the Hotel Miramare Hotel in Cesenatico, Italy.
Award ceremony on 25th June. European commission of art critics of ArtExpo will present this trophy and slide show live at the hotel Miramare in Cesenatico, Italy.
Beachcombed 1. Received the 3rd Prize in the category Mixed media, in the " Grand Concours de l'Académie Internationale de l'Art contemporain. APRIL 2022. (website award ceremony will take place on a peniche facing the Eifel Tower on 18th June 2022.
Honoured to be awarded recently with this certificate announcing 3rd Grand prize from the President of the jury of Art des Announces.

Ann Dunbar has been presented with the " Collector's Vision International Art Award". 

 Here is the link to view the Interview published in the Art Curator's Magazine. May 8th 2021 world Enter paradise through the eye of the needle! 
I have a little mini- site with a blog in German, but you can use the google translator bar to read the beautiful words.This is part of an art initiative organised by Kurt Ries and Gabrielle Walter who create art events in Germany and publish books which have the mini art together with an appropriate poem or haiku alongside each one. Just the thing for your coffee table. Just have a look at what was written alongside my entry.

If you look at the "Enter-into-art website, they explain the reason for the blog and here is a resume of the facts they mentioned:
"The blog journal is a powerful public relations tool which also disseminates professional articles , competition results and awards on the online show. In this way, readers- particularly in German speaking regions can be more familiar with works of art to better understand them and the creative spirit of the artists concerned. Interested readers can view the images and meditate with them, they can get in contact with the relevant artist. The posts are also published into English. Moreover, using easily understandable language, we bring art to many of those who are not experts, but who are searching for works of art to meaningfully enjoy and adorn their living spaces. Furthermore, in each article, we point out if the artists have participated in our exhibitions. If you wish, we can accompany the article with music that can be switched on. in our exhibitions we have had the experience that visitors love to look at the pictures together with relaxing music. There are several songs ready, so you can choose suitable music.
Articles remain on their website for at least one year, together with published book entitled "Excellent art".

So delighted to be an affiliate member of Circle-arts Foundation.This is an organisation based in Lyon, France, who represent artists internationally, since 2017. They represent no more than 300 selected visual artists in their online gallery,

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